
Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Penny Earned

How do we teach our children to use money wisely, to make it their servant and not their master?  Should we give a regular allowance, or perhaps pay for chores performed?  Should we let children spend their money as they like or require them to spend it under our direction?

Some popular financial advisors and authors of books on parenting advise not to give an allowance but rather to pay for chores performed.  One argument in favor of this approach says that this method prepares children for the working world by teaching them that money must be earned. No work, no money.  Less work, less money.  More work, more money.

But although some people still receive their pay strictly based on the work they do (ie: I do a job for you, you pay me a certain amount), many of us receive salaries.  If I am paid a salary and I do not do some of my assigned work, I am not typically docked pay.  Typically I am reprimanded.  If my work does not improve, I lose my job and all pay.  If I work on a salary and I do extra work or do my work especially well, I rarely receive additional compensation.  Even those who are paid specifically for the work they do find that, if they decide not to perform their contracted service, they are likely not to have the same opportunity again later.  Most of us moms work very hard for no pay at all!

We want to be careful not to convey the idea that work has value primarily as a means of earning money.  (The more money a job earns, the more value that task has.)  We also want to be careful not to convey the idea that our duty is to earn money rather than to work.  (If I do not need money currently, I do not need to work.)

In reality, in the adult world, we most of us do the work that is expected from us, whether as part of paid employment or as part of some other commitment such as family life.  We are to work as if we were working for the Lord.  Now, my little ones don't understand that yet.  But if they develop the habit of working only when they want money and expect to be paid, they may have trouble transitioning later to that other attitude. (Or maybe not, if you handle it sensitively.  I speak for myself here--I think I would have trouble helping them make that transition.)

Here in our home, instead, we treat our work as a duty to our family, where we all pitch in to share the work and we all share the resources (the children through allowances just as I and their father have our own spending money allocated in the budget).  Just as I (and their father) can take on extra, outside jobs to make extra money, our children can take on extra jobs (but at young ages still within our home) to make extra money.  If I had a child who refused to do his work (despite the fact that all privileges must wait upon completion of the day's work--no fun, no meals, no trips outside the house, etc.), I might consider withholding the allowance, but the explanation would be that since the child had decided not to participate in sharing the family responsibility, that child was also choosing not to participate in sharing the family resources.  (This has never happened, but I think that's how I would handle it.  That would require an extreme case, though, much like being fired from a salaried position.)

How, then, if we handle chores and money in such a way, do we teach children to use money wisely and appreciate its value?

Charlotte Mason provides some advice in Volume 3, beginning on p. 41:

<<In the spending of pocket-money is another opportunity for initiative on the children's part and for self-restraint on that of the parents. No doubt the father who doles out the weekly pocket-money and has never given his children any large thoughts about money--as to how the smallest income is divisible into the share that we give, and the share that we keep, and the share that we save for some object worth possessing, to be had, perhaps, after weeks or months of saving; as to the futility of buying that we may eat, an indulgence, that we should rarely allow ourselves, and never except for the pleasure of sharing with others; as to how it is worth while to think twice before making a purchase, with the lesson before us of Rosamund and the Purple Jar--such a father cannot expect his children to think of money in any light but as a means to self-indulgence. But talks like these should have no obvious and immediate bearing on the weekly pocket-money; that should be spent as the children like, they having been instructed as to how they should like to spend it. By degrees pocket-money should include the cost of gloves, handkerchiefs, etc., until, finally, the girl who is well on in her teens should be fit to be trusted with her own allowance for dress and personal expenses. The parents who do not trust their young people in this matter, after having trained them, are hardly qualifying them to take their place in a world in which the wise, just, and generous spending of money is a great test of character.>>

What elements are described here?

1)  Give children "large thoughts about money"--"how the smallest income is divisible into the share that we give, and the share that we keep, and the share that we save for some object worth possessing, to be had, perhaps, after weeks or months of saving; as to the futility of buying that we may eat, an indulgence, that we should rarely allow ourselves, and never except for the pleasure of sharing with others; as to how it is worth while to think twice before making a purchase, with the lesson before us of Rosamund and the Purple Jar".  So we need to regularly have little talks with the children about different aspects of handling their money wisely, just as we talk to them about proper hygiene or good manners.

2)  Do not tell the children how to spend their own money.  Have little talks about money wisdom, as described in #1, but let the children make their own choices and encounter the consequences thereof (without nagging or "I told you so"--that's the hard part).  I do violate this principle in one small way--I begin the children with a $3 per week allowance, $1 for spending, $1 for giving back to God, and $1 for saving.  When they have enough money saved to open a bank account, we help them open one.  But I do insist they divide the money this way.  At some point (and I suppose my oldest is at this point now), I'll just give them the money they are allotted and let them make the divisions, which is what CM suggests.

3)  Gradually make the children responsible for more and more of their own expenses.  "By degrees pocket-money should include the cost of gloves, handkerchiefs, etc., until, finally, the girl who is well on in her teens should be fit to be trusted with her own allowance for dress and personal expenses."  For my little ones, the cost of batteries is the first expense they must undertake to supply from their own money.  I sell the batteries to them at about my cost.  When they tire of buying them, I suggest they ask for rechargeable batteries as a gift (or save up for them).  My oldest is about to take on the expense of buying her own toiletries, or at least some of them.  For items that are necessary (like toiletries), I increase the allowance when I add the responsibility of covering the expense.  For items that are discretionary (like batteries), I do not.

Having a regular, small allowance that must be carefully husbanded to supply necessities and saved to provide little luxuries teaches much more effectively the value of money than any elaborate system we might contrive. This approach simply allows the real consequences of their actions to affect the children--no manipulation is necessary.  Not being able to buy a longed-for toy because the money was already spent on candy on a whim causes great grief.  A few such incidents teach the importance of considering our purchases.  Shopping carefully to see how much of what we want can be bought with the $7.39 we have on hand teaches the value of money quite well, especially as this exercise is repeated many times over many years.

(Receiving large gifts of money, where the frequency and amount of the gifts always remains somewhat arbitrary, cannot teach this so effectively.  No one can plan based on this type of income--which is why living on commission or tips is so hard--and a child especially will find this bewildering if we are asking them to budget.)

I do think it's wise, as the children mature, to allow them to see more and more of what exactly make up the household expenses.  At some point, they need to work out a budget with a fictitious salary, including taxes and other withholdings, so they can see how far those seemingly huge amounts of earnings really go.  Some families let their teens write out the checks for various bills (or help with the online bill-paying I suppose these days).

Most of all, pray over this (as all issues of training your child).  The Holy Spirit knows what will work best for your child.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Balaam's Ass

I love a beautiful, tidy schedule!  I love those neat homeschooling plans with each student in his proper place!  (I really mean that; this is not sarcasm.  I had tons of nifty neat-o forms for my Daytimer when I was working.)  Alas, God knows I love those things and tend to make them idols from which I derive my self-image, so He has thoughtfully blessed me with a family and circumstances that make such plans impossible to live by.  The more I have struggled to make them work for me, the more complications He has heaped upon me.

All of that is to say, if you find that scheduling your day into precise segments does not work for you, do not despair!  For some families, it apparently works well.  But you are not alone in your situation--many of us must use a much more flexible, organic approach.  lol  When AO had its one and only conference back in 2005 (notes; reviews and a link to purchase CD's which are well worth listening to), one of the AO Advisory members, I think it was Wendi Capehart, had this to say about schedules: 
"A schedule is for the days when life doesn't happen."  (I hope I accurately quote.)

God has His own plan for each of your days, for each minute of each of your days.  When your child does not cooperate with *your* plan, consider that this lack of cooperation may in fact be the hand of God, much as Balaam's ass interfered with Balaam's plans.  At the very least, these interruptions or derailments test our resolve to show grace and love in every situation and to develop patience and perseverance in teaching and loving our children (not in checking off all the boxes on our schedule).

The Bible for School and Home

The Bible for School and Home is the revised name for the series by J. Paterson Smyth referenced by Charlotte Mason under the original name The Bible for the Young.  The completed series contained seven volumes, four covering the Hebrew scriptures and three covering the Gospels.  Although this series is in the public domain, not all the books are apparently available online, exactly, but I have been able to find sources for all of them (I think).

Schellermark Ministries has a site called The Writings of J. Paterson Smyth, from which you can order CD's of various volumes for $5 each.  I believe these CD's contain scans of the pages, but I haven't yet received one so I can't say for sure.  Joshua and the Judges is available here as a typed-out pdf which can be downloaded.

Hathi Trust Digital Library links to scans of the first three volumes; see the links labeled Full View at the bottom of the page.

Prophets and Kings, volume 4 in the series, can be accessed as an html file.

UPDATE 4/17/2012:  Schellermark Ministries' new site now has pdf's of all the volumes of the Bible for School and Home available as pdf's to download.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

PNEU Bible Schedules

For ease of reference, the PNEU Bible schedules (from the now-defunct Charlotte's Daughters website):

PNEU Bible Curriculum

Bible sequence

Hebrew Scriptures

Grade 2:
Genesis 1-15 (1-4; 6-9:17; 11:1-9; 12:1-9; 13)
Genesis 17-18, 21-24, 27-29, 32-33 (18; 19:1-30; 21:1-21; 22:1-18; 24; 25:27-34; 27:1-45; 28:10-end; 29:1-20; 32; 33)
Genesis 37-48 (37; 39:1-6,21-23; 40-45; 46:1-7,28-34; 47; 48)

Grade 3:
Exodus 1-14 (1:1-14; 2; 3:1-20; 5; 12:31-42)
Exodus 15-20, 32; Numbers 13-14 (Ex. 15:23-27; 16:1-15,32-36; 18; 19:16-19; 20:1-17; 32:1-8,15-24,30-35; Num. 13:1,2,17-33; 14:1-10,18-25)
Numbers and Deuteronomy (Num. 23-24; Deut. 31; 34)

Grade 4:
Joshua 1-10; 24 (1-4; 6; 7; 9; 10; 14; 20; 22-24)
Judges 2-16 (2:1-23; 4-7; 8:22,23,32-35; 10:6-18; 11:1-12,28-40; 13-16)
Judges 13-14, 16; I Samuel 1-3, 5-8 (I Sam. 4; 8-13; 15; 17)

Grade 5:
I Samuel 9-17 (I Sam. 18:1-16; 19:1-17; 20-27:4; 29; 31; II Sam. 1)
I Samuel 18-24; II Samuel 1-7 (II Sam. 2:1-11; 3:27-39; 5:1-7; 6:1-5,14-19; 7; 9; 11:2,3,14-27; 12:1-24; 15-19)
II Samuel 11-12, 18; I Kings 3-4, 8-13, 16 (I Kings 3:4-28; 5; 8:12-30; 10:1-13; 12; 17-19; II Kings 2; 4; 5; Daniel 3; 6)
fit in: I Kings 16:29-19, 21-22; II Kings 2, 4-5, 14; Jonah

Grade 6:
Genesis 1-35
Genesis 37, 39-50; Exodus 1-15
Numbers 10-14, 16-17, 20-24, 32, 35; Deuteronomy 31-34

Grade 7:
Joshua, Judges, Ruth
I Samuel 1-15
I Samuel 16-II Samuel 4

Grade 8:
II Samuel 5-24; I Kings 1-2:10
I Kings 2:12-16
I Kings 17-22; II Kings 1-16; Amos; Hosea

Grade 9:
II Kings 18-25; Jeremiah 26, 36-38, 40, 42-43
Daniel 1-9; Jeremiah 29; Ezekiel 18, 28, 37; Isaiah 40, 52-53
Ezra; Haggai; Zechariah 3, 6, 8; Nehemiah; Malachi; Esther

Grade 10:
Isaiah 1-39
Jeremiah 1-3, 5-7, 19-23, 26, 28, 31, 34-39,

Grade 11:
Jeremiah 29, 40-44, 50-52
Ezekiel 1-5, 14, 17-18, 33-37
Isaiah 40-66

Grade 12:
no room: Song of Solomon; Lamentations; Daniel

Christian Scriptures

Grade 2:

Grade 3:
Acts 1-8

Grade 4:

Grade 5:

Grade 6:

Grade 7:
Saviour of the world

Grade 8:
Saviour of the world
Acts, 1st half

Grade 9:
Saviour of the world
Acts, 2nd half

Grade 10:
Saviour of the world
I Corinthians
II Corinthians
I Timothy
II Timothy

Grade 11:
Saviour of the world
I Peter
I-III John
[II Peter]
I Thessalonians
II Thessalonians

Grade 12:


PNEU Curriculum, Year 1, Age 6 (Form IB)

Bible (v. 3)

Stories from the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, from the list for 7-year-olds and under in The Little Bible (Oxford University Press, 1930), p. 416.

"... It is well to let the children hear the words of scripture from the teacher's lips, even if at first their full significance is but faintly apprehended. The spiritual appeal of their beauty will prepare the way for the fuller understanding of their divine meaning."

The call of Abraham (Gen. 12:1-5)
Esau and Jacob (Gen. 25:27-34; 27:1-45)
Jacob's dream (Gen. 28:10-22)
Joseph's dreams (Gen. 37:1, 3-35)
Joseph in Prison (Gen. 39:1-7, 10, 16, 17, 19-23)
Pharaoh's dream (Gen. 41:1-16, 25-31, 34-43, etc.)
Joseph and his brethren (Gen. 42-45)
The birth of Moses (Exod. 1:7-12, 22; 2:1-10)
The birth and call of Samuel (2 Sam. 1:1a-3a, 9b-11, 17, 20, 24; 2:18-19; 3:1-21)
David the shepherd boy (2 Sam. 16:1, 4-20, 23)
David and Goliath (2 Sam. 17:1-11, 13, 17-18, 20-46, 48-53)
Elijah and the ravens (2 Kings 16:30-32; 17:1-16)
Naaman the leper (2 Kings 5:1-19)
Daniel (Dan. 1:1-4, 6, 7, 17-21; 3:8-10c, 11-14, 16-30; 5:1-16, 13-17, 23-31; 6:1-23)
Psalm 23

The story of the shepherds (Luke 2:1-20)
The story of the Wise Men (Matt. 2:1-15)
The Child in the Temple (Luke 2:25-32)
The boy Jesus (Luke 2:40-52)
The baptism of Jesus (Matt. 3:13-17)
The call of the first disciples (Mark 1:16-20; John 1:43-51; Luke 5:27-32)
Early works of healing (Mark 1:21, 22, 29-45)
The daughter of Jairus (Mark 5:22-24, 35-43)
The stilling of the storm (Mark 4:35-41)
The feeding of the five thousand (John 6:1-21)
Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52)
The Entry into Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-11)
Easter morning (Mark 16:1-8; John 20:11-18)
Jesus at the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1-14)
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
The widow's mite (Mark 12:41-44)
The lost sheep and the lost coin (Luke 15:1-10)
The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-18)
The Ascension (Luke 24:50-53; Mark 16:20)


Psalm 150
Psalm 19
Psalm 23

6 hymns or carols, especially from historical period being studied


PNEU Curriculum, Year 2, Age 7 (Form Lower IA)

Bible (v. 3)

The Bible for the young: Genesis by John Paterson Smyth, 1852-1932 (196 p.)

The Bible for the young: St. Matthew's Gospel of the Kingdom by John Paterson Smyth, 1852-1932 (107 p.)

3 passages of about 6 verses each from the Hebrew and from the Christian Scriptures studied, e.g.,

Gen. 1:1-5
Gen. 28:11-15
Gen. 45:4-8

Matt. 2:7-12
Matt. 6:9-13
from Matt. 16
from Matt. 25

Psalm 24
Psalm 84
Psalm 47

6 hymns or carols, especially from historical period being studied


PNEU Curriculum, Year 3, Age 8 (Form Upper IA)

Bible (v. 3)

The Bible for the young: Moses and the Exodus by John Paterson Smyth, 1852-1932 (201 p.)

The Gospel according to Saint Luke: with commentary by William Walsham How

3 passages of about 6 verses each from the Hebrew and from the Christian Scriptures studied, e.g.,

Ex. 3:1-6
Ex. 20:1-6
Num. 23:6-10

Luke 2:8-12
Luke 2:25-32
Luke 12:22-32
Luke 15:11-24
Luke 19:1-10
Luke 24:25-35

Psalm 148
Psalm 96
Psalm 111

6 hymns or carols, especially from historical period being studied


PNEU Curriculum, Year 4, Age 9 (Form IIB)

Bible (v. 3)

The Bible for the young: Joshua and Judges by John Paterson Smyth, 1852-1932 (158 p.)

The Bible for the young: Mark by John Paterson Smyth, 1852-1932 (includes Acts 1-8)

3 passages of about 12 verses each from the Hebrew and from the Christian Scriptures studied, e.g.,

Josh. 1:1-9
Judges 5:2-11
from I Sam. 1
I Sam. 3:2-10

Mark 4:35-41
from Mark 6
from Mark 11
from Acts 3

Psalm 67
Psalm 78:12-35
Psalm 106--20 continuous verses

6 hymns or carols, especially from historical period being studied


PNEU Curriculum, Year 5, Age 10 (Form Lower IIA)

Bible (v. 3)

The Bible for the young: the prophets and kings by John Paterson Smyth, 1852-1932 (227 p.)

The Bible for the young: St. Matthew's Gospel of the Kingdom by John Paterson Smyth, 1852-1932 (107 p.)

3 passages of about 12 verses each from the Hebrew and from the Christian Scriptures studied, e.g.,

I Sam. 19:1-7
II Sam. 1:17-27
II Sam. 7:1-8
from II Sam. 22
from I Kings 19
I Kings 8:3-20

from Matt. 8
Matt. 10:29-33
Matt. 17:1-13
from Matt. 26

Psalm 33
Psalm 147
Psalm 108, 133

6 hymns or carols, especially from historical period being studied


PNEU Curriculum, Year 6, Age 11 (Form Upper IIA)

Bible (v. 3)

Old Testament history by John Manisty Hardwich & Harold Costley-White, b. 1878

v. I: From the creation to the crossing of the Red Sea (188 p.)
v. II: From the Red Sea to Ruth (p. 3-99)

The Gospel according to Saint Luke: with commentary by William Walsham How

3 passages of about 12 verses each from the Hebrew and from the Christian Scriptures studied, e.g.,

Gen. 1:1-10 or 19

Luke 2:25-32
Luke 15:11-24
Luke 12:22-32
Luke 24:25-35

Psalm 34
Psalm 95
Psalm 105

6 hymns or carols, especially from historical period being studied


PNEU Curriculum, Year 7, Age 12 (Form IIIB)

Bible (v. 3)

Old Testament history by John Manisty Hardwich & Harold Costley-White, b. 1878

v. II: From the Red Sea to Ruth (p. 103-203)
v. III: From the birth of Samuel to the death of David (p. 1-115)

The Saviour of the world, v. I: The holy infancy by Charlotte Mason (159 p.)

with Bible passages from index
or The Gospel history of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: in a connected narrative in the words of the Revised version arranged by C.C. James

The Gospel according to Saint John: with commentary by William Walsham How

(optional) Historical geography of the Holy Land by Simeon Ross Macphail (p. 1-94)


3 passages of about 20 verses each from the Hebrew and from the Christian Scriptures studied

Psalm 145, 146
Psalm 24, 72
Psalm 25

6 hymns or carols, especially seasonal & especially from historical period being studied, e.g., those by Wesley in 3rd term


PNEU Curriculum, Year 8, Age 13 (Form IIIA)

Bible (v. 3)

Old Testament history by John Manisty Hardwich & Harold Costley-White, b. 1878

v. III: From the birth of Samuel to the death of David (p. 115-176)
v. IV: From Solomon to the end of the Northern Kingdom (p. 3-153)

The Saviour of the world, v. II: His dominion by Charlotte Mason (174 p.)

with Bible passages from index
or The Gospel history of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: in a connected narrative in the words of the Revised version arranged by C.C. James

The Acts of the Apostles by Ellen Mary Knox, b. 1858 (p. 1-189)

(optional) Historical geography of the Holy Land by Simeon Ross Macphail (p. 95-188)


3 passages of about 20 verses each from the Hebrew and from the Christian Scriptures studied

Psalm 45, 46, 47, 48
Psalm 90, 91
Psalm 18
no room: Ps. 103, 104; Ps. 87; I Chron. 29:10-20

6 hymns or carols, especially seasonal & especially from historical period being studied, e.g.,
term 1: those by William Cowper, 1731-1800
term 2: those by John Keble, 1792-1866
term 3: those by John Henry Newman, 1801-1900


PNEU Curriculum, Year 9, Age 14 (Form IV)

Bible (v. 3)

Old Testament history, v. V: From Hezekiah to the end of the Canon by John Manisty Hardwich & Harold Costley-White, b. 1878 (224 p.)

The work of the prophets by Rose E. Selfe (chapters 7, 9, 11-13)

The Saviour of the world, v. III: The kingdom of heaven by Charlotte Mason (187 p.)

with Bible passages from index
or The Gospel history of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: in a connected narrative in the words of the Revised version arranged by C.C. James

The Acts of the Apostles by Ellen Mary Knox, b. 1858 (p. 191-401)

Galatians (text only, no commentary)


3 passages of about 20 verses each from the Hebrew and from the Christian Scriptures studied

Psalm 118
Psalm 65, 81
Psalm 107
no room: Psalm 102

6 hymns or carols, especially seasonal & especially from historical period being studied


PNEU Curriculum, Year 10, Age 15 (Form VB)

Bible (v. 3)

term 1:

term 2:
Isaiah 1-39

term 3:
Jeremiah 1-3, 5-7, 19-23, 26, 28, 31, 34-39
no room: Joel

+ notes from A commentary on the Holy Bible: complete in one volume, with general articles edited by John Roberts Dummelow

The eighth century prophets by Ernest William Hamond (154 p.)
The seventh and sixth century prophets by Ernest William Hamond (p. 1-54)

The Saviour of the world, v. IV: The Bread of Life by Charlotte Mason (193 p.)

with Bible passages from index
+ notes from Dummelow commentary (above)

terms 1 & 2:
I & II Corinthians (except 5-7)
+ The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians: in the Revised version, with introduction and commentary by Ernest Evans, b. 1889 (215 p.)

term 3:
I & II Timothy
+ Dummelow commentary

(optional) A short religious history of Israel by Ernest William Hamond (158 p.)


PNEU Curriculum, Year 11, Age 16 (Form VA)

Bible (v. 3)

term 1:
Jeremiah 29, 40-44, 50-52
Ezekiel 1-5, 14, 17-18, 33-37

term 2:
Isaiah 40-66

term 3:

+ notes from A commentary on the Holy Bible: complete in one volume, with general articles edited by John Roberts Dummelow

The seventh and sixth century prophets by Ernest William Hamond (p. 55-149)

The Saviour of the world, v. V: The great controversy by Charlotte Mason (192 p.)

with Bible passages from index
+ notes from Dummelow commentary (above)

term 1:
I & II Peter

term 2:
I-III John

term 3:
I & II Thessalonians

+ Dummelow commentary

(optional) A short religious history of Israel by Ernest William Hamond (158 p.)


PNEU Curriculum, Year 12, Age 17 (Form VI)

Bible (v. 3)

(for method) *How to read the Bible by R.G. Moulton

A commentary on the Holy Bible: complete in one volume, with general articles edited by John Roberts Dummelow (Introduction, p. i-clxiv). Topics covered:
General introduction to the Bible; Hebrew history to the Exile; Introduction to the Pentateuch; History, literature, and religious development of the Jews in the period between the Testaments; the Creation story and science; Genesis and Babylonian inscriptions; Laws of Hammurabi; Heathen religions referred to in the Bible; Introduction to Hebrew prophecy; Messianic hope; Life of Jesus Christ; Teaching of Jesus Christ; Synoptic problem; Dynasty of the Herods; Life and work of St. Paul; Survey of the epistles of St. Paul; Belief in God; Person of Jesus Christ; Trinity; Miracle; Resurrection; Atonement; 4th term: Inspiration; Study of the Bible; Elements of religion; Palestine; Bible antiquities; Hebrew calendar, coins, weights, and measures; Bible chronology

term 1:

(optional) Short studies on great subjects [first series]. The book of Job by James Anthony Froude, 1818-1894

term 2:

term 3:

4th term: Psalms
no room: Song of Solomon, Lamentations, Daniel

+ notes from A commentary on the Holy Bible: complete in one volume, with general articles edited by John Roberts Dummelow

The modern reader's Bible: the books of the Bible with three books of the Apocrypha, presented in modern literary form. Chapter IV: the Psalms and lyrics of Israel edited by Richard Green Moulton, 1849-1924

The Saviour of the world, v. VI: The training of the disciples by Charlotte Mason (185 p.)

with Bible passages from index
+ notes from Dummelow commentary (above)

term 1:

term 2:

term 3:

4th term: Revelation

+ notes from Dummelow commentary (above)

The legacy of the ancient world, chapter III by William George De Burgh, 1866-1943

The historical geography of the Holy Land by George Adam Smith, 1856-1942 (512 p.)

Israel before Christ: an account of social & religious development in the Old Testament by Alfred Walter Frank Blunt, 1879-1957 (143 p.)

Israel in world history by Alfred Walter Frank Blunt, 1879-1957 (127 p.)

The literature of the Old Testament by George Foot Moore, 1851-1931 (232 p.)

Every man's story of the Old Testament by Alexander Nairne, b. 1863 (316 p.)

The life and times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim, 1825-1889 (1109 p.)

The life and teaching of Christ as contained in the Synoptic Gospels and the narrative parts of St. John's Gospel: text of the Revised version by Ernest Alexander Gardiner, b. 1880 (200 p.)

Jesus of Nazareth by Charles Gore, 1853-1932 (183 p.)

*The faith of the New Testament by Alexander Nairne, b. 1863

Mirage and truth by Martin Cyril D'Arcy, 1888-1976 (204 p.) --apologetics--