
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: A Paraphrase

This paraphrase of William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar is intended as a supplement to the original work. Read it along with the original as an aid to comprehension, not as a replacement, since no paraphrase can ever match the richness of Shakespeare's original text.

Act I

Act II


Act IV

Act V

Paraphrase side-by-side with the original text
Thanks to Rodney G. Nelson for creating this file!

This page was created by Kathy Livingston in April 1997. The entire paraphrase was completed in August 2000.
Contents are intended for use by individuals only as a study aid. For any other use, the author's written permission is required.


In compiling Acts I, II, and III of this paraphrase, I relied heavily on two sources: the teachers' editions of the Prentice Hall Literature Platinum Edition (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1989) and the Literature and Language Blue Level (Robert S. Boone, McDougal, Littell & Company, Dallas, 1992). For Acts IV and V, I relied on one source: The Riverside Shakespeare (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Massachusetts, 1974).